We are here to advise you on your small, emerging, and unconventional residency.
Having visited around 100 residencies across the US and counting, we have seen countless ways that driven facilitators have started their own DIY residencies and talked in detail about the ins and outs of building a residency. Many people think that residencies are only for professional fine artists, but there are also residencies out there for any creative thinker: craftspeople, chefs, scientists, and more. There are residencies in the woods, on ships, in back yards, in spare rooms, and even on the Internet. Building a residency isn't just for arts professionals-- To begin, all you need is an idea.
We can offer you consultation via video chat or in person with sliding scale rates.
We have also worked with larger institutions to plan proposals for residency implementation within their organization.
Email us to begin the process!
More options available on Alicia’s website.